
hedwig and the angry inch.jpg 

台灣人 管它叫 搖滾芭比

香港人 叫它 妖型樂與怒

so let's continue

愛情沒有性別之分 只有愛人與被愛

Hedwig and The Angry Inch  唱出愛的真諦





I'm the new Berlin wall Try and tear me down.


淡藍眼影 波浪金髮 鮮紅唇采 魅惑的狂野情緒正發酵著

儘管站在簡陋的舞台上 藏不住天生的耀眼光芒

透過毫無修飾的自然嗓音 蓄積已久的真實情感爆衝而出

隨著動人音符的順暢流轉 彷彿進入搖滾芭比的內心世界





I'm pulling the wig down from the shelf

Suddenly I'm this punk rock star of stage and screen

And I ain't never I'm never turning back


是挑釁的狂傲 是寓意的啟發 是憤怒的火焰 是激昂的愛戀

全都在一首接著一首的搖滾樂中 還原一段段的人生旅程

或許荒謬 或許可笑 或許感傷 或許沈重 或許美麗

無不翻騰著聆聽者的七情六慾 引發靈魂深處的徹底鳴顫





And if you've got no other choice

You know you can follow my voice

through the dark turns and noise of this wicked little town


看著聲嘶力竭的演出 聽著撥動心弦的歌聲

簡單隨性的塗鴉片段 不時穿插著

淺顯易懂的率直詞句 交替轉換著


似乎跟著咆哮 搖擺 歡笑 流淚

在意象投射後 隨之而來的 是超呼情感想像的思維







When by the mighty hand of Jove,

It was the sad story

How we became

Lonely two-legged creatures,

It's the story of

The origin of love.


在愛的國度 非男非女的雌雄同體不該是個包袱




經過歲月的冷酷洗鍊 透視現實與理想的落差

學會了寬恕與包容 理解與原諒

明白角色的本質 不再迷失與徬徨

埋葬過往的時光 坦蕩地面對人生  

褪去一切的虛假 讓自由騰空飛起

恣意去愛 恣意去痛 恣意去給 恣意去嚐


那曾經和他合而為一的另一半 終將再度結合

結合為新生的太陽之子 新生的大地之子 新生的月亮之子

重新回到熟悉的樂園 夢幻的天堂

It's beauty Hedwig


Origin of Love

When the earth was still flat,
And the clouds made of fire,
And mountains stretched up to the sky,
Sometimes higher,
Folks roamed the earth
Like big rolling kegs.
They had two sets of arms.
They had two sets of legs.
They had two faces peering
Out of one giant head
So they could watch all around them
As they talked; while they read.
And they never knew nothing of love.
It was before the origin of love.

The origin of love

And there were three sexes then,
One that looked like two men
Glued up back to back,
Called the children of the sun.
And similar in shape and girth
Were the children of the earth.
They looked like two girls
Rolled up in one.
And the children of the moon
Were like a fork shoved on a spoon.
They were part sun, part earth
Part daughter, part son.

The origin of love

Now the gods grew quite scared
Of our strength and defiance
And Thor said,
"I'm gonna kill them all
With my hammer,
Like I killed the giants."
And Zeus said, "No,
You better let me
Use my lightening, like scissors,
Like I cut the legs off the whales
And dinosaurs into lizards."
Then he grabbed up some bolts
And he let out a laugh,
Said, "I'll split them right down the middle.
Gonna cut them right up in half."
And then storm clouds gathered above
Into great balls of fire

And then fire shot down
From the sky in bolts
Like shining blades
Of a knife.
And it ripped
Right through the flesh
Of the children of the sun
And the moon
And the earth.
And some Indian god
Sewed the wound up into a hole,
Pulled it round to our belly
To remind us of the price we pay.
And Osiris and the gods of the Nile
Gathered up a big storm
To blow a hurricane,
To scatter us away,
In a flood of wind and rain,
And a sea of tidal waves,
To wash us all away,
And if we don't behave
They'll cut us down again
And we'll be hopping round on one foot
And looking through one eye.

Last time I saw you
We had just split in two.
You were looking at me.
I was looking at you.
You had a way so familiar,
But I could not recognize,
Cause you had blood on your face;
I had blood in my eyes.
But I could swear by your expression
That the pain down in your soul
Was the same as the one down in mine.
That's the pain,
Cuts a straight line
Down through the heart;
We called it love.
So we wrapped our arms around each other,
Trying to shove ourselves back together.
We were making love,
Making love.
It was a cold dark evening,
Such a long time ago,
When by the mighty hand of Jove,
It was the sad story
How we became
Lonely two-legged creatures,
It's the story of
The origin of love.
That's the origin of love.


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